
Here are some whisperings from the pet and family photographer who lived in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Protect Your dog’s Eyes

Protect Your dog’s Eyes

Hello, I am Emiko, a pet photographer in Charlotte, NC. As I mentioned at the last bog, my dog, KAB, turned 18. He had several health issues and his eyes are one of them. Since he had cancer in his left eye when he was 13 years old, his eyes are weak. It turns red...



I am a pet photographer in Charlotte, NC! Today, I am more than happy to tell you that my dog KAB turned 18 years old on March 25th!! You would think that small dogs live longer. Yes, you are right! I got it. He is a miniature dachshund and he a small. But he suffered...

Earned Master of Photography

Earned Master of Photography

My father loved cameras. He bought Nikon and Canon for our family. So, Camera was a kind of a toy for me. I have been playing with a camera and taking many fun pictures of landscapes, flowers, people, my family, and friends for a long time. 2016, I decided to take...

Hello Cat Lovers!

Hello Cat Lovers!

Hello Cat lovers! You may think... My cat would not be able to sit in front of the camera or I want to have my cat portrait but I don't know who can take photos of my cat... or so on. Yes, it is very challenging to take cat portraits. The majority of dogs understand...

Summer has officially started!

Summer has officially started!

Summer has officially started! Do you have any fantastic plans for this summer? Camping, cruising, or going abroad? If your pets go with you, that would be more fun!! There are some tips for a trip with your...

We met Leopold!

We met Leopold!

I met a very sweet, Pug, Leopold!! Look at his happy face! Unfortunately, he is suffering from cancer. (I hate it!!) His mom mentioned that he is her life!! I am very honored to have a session with Leopold!! Leopold, you are the sweetest ever

Thank you for being a partner!

Thank you for being a partner!

I sincerely appreciate Carolinas Veterinary Medical Hospital being a partner and allowing me to have a session with Dr. Watson's dogs, Alex (right) and Cairo (Left). They are beautiful and super well-behaved, a boy and a girl! The wall art is in the lobby of the...

My dog does not stay for photo taking…

My dog does not stay for photo taking…

When I was at the event, many people told me that my dog wouldn't be sit-still or my dog won't stay for picture taking... Well, we, pet photographers, know the dog's behavior and know to make the dog stay for a couple of seconds. We use whistles, treats, and my czasy...

Animal Image Maker 2022

Animal Image Maker 2022

Continuing education is the most important thing for me to provide a certain level of quality images to my clients. Animal Image Makers Conference is the MUST attendance. All animal photographers attend the conference from all over the world. The conference was held...

Happy Birthday, KAB! He is 17 today!

Happy Birthday, KAB! He is 17 today!

You would have never known how happy I am! My boy, KAB, turned 17 today!! 17! You may think small dogs live longer, and yes, I agree! But he has conquered many obstacles and survived! Every day is a blessing day for me! He is selfish, independent, and mean; He...

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